

6 Ways Turmeric Can Make Your Life Better

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There’s no introduction needed for this yellow-orange spice, especially if you are from Asia or the Middle East. Turmeric has long been an integral part of our livelihood, and, since centuries, has been used for therapeutic purposes in many cultures. Recent studies establish that this super-spice may aid in cancer prevention, curing depression, and many more.

6 ways turmeric can save your life

From colorizing our curries to being an essential component in treating respiratory ailments, there’s no argument that turmeric is vibrant, and super nutritious. But what are some of the health benefits that make it so wanted? Let’s look into some of them:

  1. Is anti-inflammatory

Curcumin in Turmeric is anti-inflammatory as it actively inhibits the action of inflammatory molecules in the body. For acute conditions, when the tissues get affected, curcumin may be of high use. Studies suggest that it has shown good results on people with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases.

  1. Increase Immunity

Free radical damage is one of the main reasons behind ageing, and skin diseases. Turmeric possesses antioxidant properties that help fight free radical damage. It is known to restrict the free radical formation, and promote antioxidants. This is especially good for an improved immunity, brain function, and skin health.

  1. May fight cancer

Researchers are digging deeper into the topic Turmeric for cancer. Studies show that turmeric and curcumin possess anti-cancer properties, and have a molecular effect on cancer formation, growth, and development. It has also shown, in a variety of cases, to reduce the spreading and contribute to the death of cancerous cells, as well as alleviate the negative side effects of chemotherapy. 

  1. Is beneficial to the heart

Curcumin and turmeric are known to control cholesterol and blood pressure. They improve overall heart health, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering inflammation and improving endothelial function. People who consume curcumin on a daily basis, along with prescribed medication, experience much better heart health than people who depend on medications alone.

(Before starting a turmeric regimen, those taking blood pressure medications should talk to their doctor about the risk of bleeding.)

  1. Aids in managing diabetes

Turmeric and curcumin can decrease the glucose levels in blood. They may help to reduce the blood sugar levels, making diabetes more manageable. Though more research is required, turmeric is also known to usefully prevent the progression of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes for people who consume it daily. Curcumin is also known to improve the functioning of beta cells of pancreas that store and release insulin.

  1. Supports brain and neurological health

Curcumin is already popular for its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. It reduces the formation of protein plaques in the brain which is common in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Additionally, curcumin has also proved to be effective in treatment of mood disorders, depression, and anxiety. Recent studies are stating that another main component in turmeric, Aromatic-turmerone (Ar-Turmerone), promotes stem cell proliferation and differentiation. This is mainly important in treating neurological disorders such as Alzheimer and stroke.

turmeric for life

From the above list, it’s quite clear that adding turmeric or curcumin in your daily diet can work wonders with your health and immunity. Merely sprinkling it over the meals might add colour and taste, but if it is therapy you are looking for, then this rarely makes any difference. The amount of turmeric or curcumin you should take each day depends on the condition you are trying to treat as well as your genetic makeup. Turmeric supplements are safe, but it is always better to seek medical advice beforehand.

(check out our range of Ayurvedic health care products at Triveva)